Movimiento 4.7
Global movement for education, a space of encounter and collective construction promoted by Alboan, Entreculturas, InteRed and ONGAWA

Movimiento 4.7 is a meeting and collective building space promoted by Alboan, Entreculturas, InteRed and ONGAWA, in which several agents and sectors intersect - NGOs, education centres and teachers, citizen movements, platforms, networks, unions and individuals. The purpose of the movement is to promote social and political action around the need to incorporate, measure and adequately finance Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (EpDSCG) in Spain at local, regional and national level.
We promote transformational education through the attainment of SDG 4.7 and its central contribution to fulfilling Agenda 2030. On this basis, we want to join forces so that each key player does its part to create a world that is more just, equal and respectful of diversity and the environment.
In order to make significant advancements in the development and incorporation of goal 4.7, we put a series of actions into practice in the formal education system:
- We aim to strengthen the skills of the main players in EpDSCG.
- We promote dialogue, reflection and exchange in order to achieve Transformational Education Centres that are committed to global justice and human rights, gender equity and coeducation, interculturality and inclusion, participation and sustainable development.
- We generate recommendations and proposals that, based on experience, enable us to have an impact on incorporating EpDSCG into the classroom and the educational community.
- The Movement is possible thanks to the support and financing of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation. (AECID).