How to make a Kamishibai with children: the illustrations
Activity extracted from:
2 sessions
Includes english version

This activity is divided in two sessions in which the ilustrations for a Kamishibai are going to be created.
In the first one the ilustrations are created using the desired drawing technique and at the same time the story must be transcribed onto a computer and printed and in the second one the ilustrations and the text are joined together, the result are checked and the story is narrated in groups of two.
- 1 - Cultural and artistic competence
- 2 - Social and citizen competence
Necessary material
1.- 12 30x42cm paper sheets
2.- Drawing material (depending on technique)
3.- A computer with printer.
2.- Drawing material (depending on technique)
3.- A computer with printer.
Material to download
Card 2.1.pdf
Card 2.2.pdf
Incluye versión en inglés